Sunday, 4 April 2010
I like to think of myself as tending toward being humble. Maybe it is wishful thinking. Maybe it is positive thinking. Maybe i am just trying to convince myself so that one day i may take this form.
The truth... I suddenly realized is that actually 'being humble' is like finally attaining a certification after a lifetime of studying. It is a constant work in progress and something that is always floundering.
Like just about every other human being on this planet, I am governed by my clumsy ego. A proud, arrogant, very human ego, that shies away from criticism or judgement. Yet it is so often this kind of feedback that offers us the opportunity to better or correct ourselves if we can just learn to take it in the right light, to not get defensive or let our insecurities run a mock. It is in fact an opportunity to grow.
To have people in our lives that can offer us this... is very, very valuable. Recently, i have been taking huge personal risks, continually placing myself in public view in order to publicize the project I am working on. Every time I do this is a little scary... and to be honest it just got scarier... but the fact is, i am doing it, no mater what, and if by doing it my faults become highlighted, then, well... I am going to try very hard to see this as a crash course in finding the better me, to welcome criticism and feedback, to not be oversensitive, but be grateful. I am going to try and see this as an opportunity to actually develop my humility... and actually become the humble person i so wish I was.
Monday, 29 March 2010
Barefoote Bliss
I have been coming up with all sorts of ideas for fundraising and trying to put them into motion as well as creating my own little Yoga class!
I also suddenly realized that treehuggersresolution was being dominated by this new endeavor so I had to create a sister site where matters related could have there own home.
So after much toiling (mostly on the part of my extremely generous and patient husband)...
It's up... Tree huggers sister blog... is up and running!
So back to basics, I recently received my new shampoo and conditioner... not at all toxic and not at all expensive! It is made by MOP or Modern Organic Products... and its awesome!
i have been re-inspired after attending Adi Carters Detox workshop yesterday... in which she dealt considerably with matters environmental...
for some really scary stats... check out this site...
My war on plastic has been upped a notch ... a massive, greedy war is being fought at the moment over oil, most of the crude oil in the world is used to make plastic, a large majority of which we smear on our skin (oh vanity), ingest (via the leaching process occurring within almost all plastic containers) or scatter about the planet... aren't we a perplex (read: ridiculous) species.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
More challenges..

and the bustle continues... my list of ideas to raise money for SEVA, grows and shrinks as I conceive the ideas, send out proposals and then deal with denial.
Monday, 15 March 2010
Busy Busy Busy

Since signing up for the SEVA challenge, my life has been a blur of meetings, brainstorming, researching and letter writing! In between all of this however, I did manage to find a small sanctuary of luurrrv!
Friday, 12 March 2010
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Finding Inspiration...

Since accepting and posting about my decision to take the SEVA challenge, my feelings have been oscillating between "what the heck am i doing" and "my heart is going to explode i am so excited!"

Off the Mat, Into the World® (OTM), a program of the nonprofit, The Engage Network, is dedicated to bridging yoga and activism. Founded in 2007, OTM’s mission is to use the power of yoga to inspire conscious, sustainable activism and ignite grassroots social change.
Yoga is a powerful path of personal transformation. At its root, the word means ‘union’ – of mind, body and spirit. Yoga opens our hearts and expands our awareness of self creating space for balance and deep change in our lives.
OTM helps individuals take the path of yoga “off the mat and into the world," expanding the sphere of change outward to local and global communities. We do this by facilitating personal empowerment through leadership trainings, fostering community collaboration, and initiating local and global service projects. Our work focuses on three core areas of development: