Somehow we are already in the third month of this year... which seems to be a good time to assess my progress in terms of "The Big 7 Re:Solutions". I have to admit I'm kinda chuffed with my progress in general so far and am rather giddy with the journey, there is of course always room for improvement.
So here is a step by step check in:
#1 Stand against consumerism...
To date, I have managed to keep my clothes buying to an all time low. I have frequented the used clothes shop maybe a little more than usual~ but am still handicapped there, as most of the 'donors' are size teeny. I have to admit I bought a poncho (for Rob) and a scarf (for me) in Mexico, that although handmade by locals are not organic. I also had to stock up on underwear in a hurry before I left, and although from
Muji, an environmentally friendly stockist, they were not organic either.
#2 No more plastic
I have somehow managed to loose 2 of my three eco bags, which is posing difficulties... I really want to convert some old clothes into shoppers... but I don't have a sewing machine in Japan. I might have to just bight the proverbial bullet and buy new shopper... I do find this contradictory to re:solution 1 however.
#3 Qualify as a Yoga Teacher
Check Check Check.... woohoo!
This has been THE most rewarding challenge I have set myself, and although accomplished, I feel the journey has just begun. Next week I begin my search for venues and hopefully I will start classes in the near future! watch this space!
#4 Finish outstanding degree
registered for last module, first assignment submitted... so far so good!
#5 Raw food challenge
We have been following our green lemonade morning start, and fruit only until lunch time pretty religiously. The food at Yandara, was spectacular and organic and mostly raw... the week after course was not at all raw and consisted of mostly cheesy, creamy Mexican cuisine. Since being home, I have been maintaining the juice and fruit, aiming at raw and integrating some Ayurveda principles in our diet (which I hope to learn more about), and (blush)... in saying all of that, I am sitting in a heady, chocolaty ,aroma caused by the 'rainy day brownies' cooling in the kitchen. So maybe need a bit of work here, ahem.
#6 ~ less face-eat-your-time-book
This is not an excuse... but on my return, after a month away, I had an inbox of new mail that stretched over a multitude of pages. I have been spending a great deal of time responding and resolving and updating. I'm giving myself until the end of this week... and then back on the rations.
#7 More time for hobbies
I am dismally failing in the harmonica and Spanish department! Although Mexico did wonders for my Spanish, since being back, I have been quite centered on yoga, finding new workshops, preparing for our future and spending time with y husband, all of which are more than passable alternatives in my book!