Today... on this, the very first day of the New Year, I offer my first creation for 2010.
This little blog will be serving a multitude of purposes; a space for musings, an environmentally friendly, paperless means of scrap booking the bits and pieces that inspire me, and a little corner where I can store my "rememberies, photos and ideas. Mostly however, I am hoping to use it as a 'crutch' to support the 'arm long' list of re:solutions I have made. I'm hoping that if I make my goals (and my attempts to maintain them) public~ I may just keep at them a little longer than the standard 3 day resolution life span.
Granted, some of my goals are a tad cliche', but at the end of the day, if by achieving them I feel I am that much closer to being the best me I can be, then well... so be it!
So here they are, my challenges for 2010, the year of the lean, green yoga machine:
1. I plan on taking a real stand against consumerist wastage, so this year I am not going to buy ANY NEW CLOTHES, unless they are second hand or made from enviro friendly fabrics (which are mostly out of my price range and are therefore not likely to feature very often). With the money I hope to save by doing this, I want to gradually replace my cosmetics etc with natural products. So...if you happen to see me looking like a raggedy Ann doll ... well lets just say all gifts and donations are most welcome!
2. No more plastic packets! I currently reside in Japan where plastic and paper are used so liberally even the chewing gums are individually wrapped! I have thus attached an eco-carrier to all my hand bags~ forgetting carrier= big mission home!
3. Qualify as yoga teacher
4. Finally finish the outstanding second degree I have been doing via correspondence for well... forever.
5. The Raw food challenge! I have been an on and off vegetarian most of my life, and I have finally decided at thirty it's time to stick with it. I have subsequently been researching the raw food diet, and although this is not something that happens over night, I hope to implement it more or less as a life style (this one will require some serious self discipline... )
6. We don't have t.v. in our house, a choice we made when we got married, so that we could spend more time together and be more actively involved in our lives, but face book (grrrrrr) seems to have become the mind numbing alternative for me recently! I have (blush, cringe) on occasion noticed chunks of time disappearing while browsing through the lives of the most distant 'friends' ! Well no more... I am putting myself on a serious face book ration system.
7. Finally, I want to be a little more committed to my hobbies... I recently decided to start learning Spanish and the harmonica~ I love these things and I feel I owe it to myself to spend more time enjoying them!
Let the beauty that you love be what you do...
there are many ways to kneel and kiss the earth...
there are many ways to kneel and kiss the earth...
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