Sunday, 4 April 2010
I like to think of myself as tending toward being humble. Maybe it is wishful thinking. Maybe it is positive thinking. Maybe i am just trying to convince myself so that one day i may take this form.
The truth... I suddenly realized is that actually 'being humble' is like finally attaining a certification after a lifetime of studying. It is a constant work in progress and something that is always floundering.
Like just about every other human being on this planet, I am governed by my clumsy ego. A proud, arrogant, very human ego, that shies away from criticism or judgement. Yet it is so often this kind of feedback that offers us the opportunity to better or correct ourselves if we can just learn to take it in the right light, to not get defensive or let our insecurities run a mock. It is in fact an opportunity to grow.
To have people in our lives that can offer us this... is very, very valuable. Recently, i have been taking huge personal risks, continually placing myself in public view in order to publicize the project I am working on. Every time I do this is a little scary... and to be honest it just got scarier... but the fact is, i am doing it, no mater what, and if by doing it my faults become highlighted, then, well... I am going to try very hard to see this as a crash course in finding the better me, to welcome criticism and feedback, to not be oversensitive, but be grateful. I am going to try and see this as an opportunity to actually develop my humility... and actually become the humble person i so wish I was.
Monday, 29 March 2010
Barefoote Bliss
I have been coming up with all sorts of ideas for fundraising and trying to put them into motion as well as creating my own little Yoga class!
I also suddenly realized that treehuggersresolution was being dominated by this new endeavor so I had to create a sister site where matters related could have there own home.
So after much toiling (mostly on the part of my extremely generous and patient husband)...
It's up... Tree huggers sister blog... is up and running!
So back to basics, I recently received my new shampoo and conditioner... not at all toxic and not at all expensive! It is made by MOP or Modern Organic Products... and its awesome!
i have been re-inspired after attending Adi Carters Detox workshop yesterday... in which she dealt considerably with matters environmental...
for some really scary stats... check out this site...
My war on plastic has been upped a notch ... a massive, greedy war is being fought at the moment over oil, most of the crude oil in the world is used to make plastic, a large majority of which we smear on our skin (oh vanity), ingest (via the leaching process occurring within almost all plastic containers) or scatter about the planet... aren't we a perplex (read: ridiculous) species.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
More challenges..

and the bustle continues... my list of ideas to raise money for SEVA, grows and shrinks as I conceive the ideas, send out proposals and then deal with denial.
Monday, 15 March 2010
Busy Busy Busy

Since signing up for the SEVA challenge, my life has been a blur of meetings, brainstorming, researching and letter writing! In between all of this however, I did manage to find a small sanctuary of luurrrv!
Friday, 12 March 2010
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Finding Inspiration...

Since accepting and posting about my decision to take the SEVA challenge, my feelings have been oscillating between "what the heck am i doing" and "my heart is going to explode i am so excited!"

Off the Mat, Into the World® (OTM), a program of the nonprofit, The Engage Network, is dedicated to bridging yoga and activism. Founded in 2007, OTM’s mission is to use the power of yoga to inspire conscious, sustainable activism and ignite grassroots social change.
Yoga is a powerful path of personal transformation. At its root, the word means ‘union’ – of mind, body and spirit. Yoga opens our hearts and expands our awareness of self creating space for balance and deep change in our lives.
OTM helps individuals take the path of yoga “off the mat and into the world," expanding the sphere of change outward to local and global communities. We do this by facilitating personal empowerment through leadership trainings, fostering community collaboration, and initiating local and global service projects. Our work focuses on three core areas of development:
On a mission... My Big Challenge!

Monday, 8 March 2010
Reflections... and a bit of checking in

Somehow we are already in the third month of this year... which seems to be a good time to assess my progress in terms of "The Big 7 Re:Solutions". I have to admit I'm kinda chuffed with my progress in general so far and am rather giddy with the journey, there is of course always room for improvement.
Sunday, 7 March 2010
"I am you, You are me, We are One"

Among the many amazing things that happened to me on my wee journey… was an influx of little epiphanies/ revelations / “penny dropping” moments. I would like to say that one day when I was sitting beneath that beautiful fig tree (pictured below) I suddenly had the mother of all ‘Ah ha!’ moments, but alas most of my experiences were of a more subtle nature. In fact they were more rediscoveries or… creating a path from my head to my heart where my understandings could travel with ease.
One of these “rememberies” that has reappeared today is that of ‘interconnection’. No matter how we look at it, we are all an element of an incredibly interconnected masterpiece. I realize this again and again when I meander through the musing of others and find myself exclaiming, “No way, I was thinking the same thing! Or, even when I am made aware of the incredible acts of charity happening throughout the world, people giving and caring for one another as though they were family.
Without detracting from the beautiful individuality that colours our world, we are all essentially beings trying to survive, trying to find love, trying to find a space of comfort and security. When you understand the interconnection, you suddenly start to realize how much we inevitably affect everything around us, how a simple action or word can have massive repercussions on the lives of others. This can seem terrifying, when you start to care, how easy it is to unknowingly make or break somebody else. Some say ‘do unto others as you would have done unto you” others will call it karma or even cause and effect, at the end of the day the message is unanimous~ when you look into the eyes of someone else… it is impossible not to see a slightly distorted reflection of your self looking back, I’m reminded to take the time to actually see that self.
Monday, 1 March 2010
Home sweet home
Home is where the heart is… I am home.
After 26 days, traveling 9026km (give or take) to and around Mexico and back again… I am finally back in Japan. Not that I could really ever refer to Japan as technically being home, it was where I left a significant piece of my heart and so it is very special to be reunited.
The thing is however; a large part of my ‘coming home’ happened way before I left the sunny shores of Baja, it happened without going anywhere except into my heart. Coming home has for me, essentially become about realizing that, we are always home when we are living true to ourselves or at least attempting to.
I have been studying, trying, pushing, examining, etc for ages in order to become better acquainted with places and spaces in my heart that make up the essential me, and then, when I finally let myself just become something I wanted to be (a yoga teacher, a friend, an adored wife), suddenly there I was. A little more of me.
In order to recount what happened during my travels I would probably have to divide it into 2 segments… the external journey and the internal journey. I feel at this stage, both could be epics and so much integration and consolidation is required before I start spewing out random recollections. So, I am going to let my story emerge slowly, with purpose in its own sweet time, perhaps here, perhaps in conversation, it doesn’t really matter. What matters is, here I am, almost home on so many levels.
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Monday, 25 January 2010
My happy place

Some more slices of Sunday...
Red tape, Red tape ,Red tape... bleh red tape, you are not my friend!
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Karma Yoga

(Picture taken in Thailand last year while waiting for the ferry)
Dear Internet... it has been days since my last confession, I mean blog, this is mostly due to the most ridiculous week and the inability to string my thoughts into coherent sentences.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
The bane of the jet plane...

Monday, 18 January 2010
Re: Solution #1: Vanity vs inhumanity...

Re:solution #1... Anti Consumerism, is leagues ahead in the little 2010 challenge at present, which means that I have still as yet, not purchased any new clothing or unnecessaries... not even used or organic for that matter. "Well done me!" for galloping past every sale sign in Tokyo for the last 3 weeks, without so much as a sidewards glance. Admittedly I was never particularly short of clothing to begin with... so I haven't exactly felt deprived~ but it is still an accomplishment in my books. One of the main purposes for this challenge (other than the war against consumerism) however, was to 'purify' my wardrobe... in other words slooooooowly but surely replace... it with environmentally friendly items. I am completely aware that this might take a couple of years, but it is a start and in the mean time I am becoming increasingly educated on what IS organic/green and what is NOT. For example, I recently discovered that my beloved bamboo fabrics are actually made using some pretty nasty chemicals to break down their fibres (Devastation... I was relying on you Bamboo... and so I'm still trying to figure out where I stand on this matter).
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Slices of Sunday...
Living through our third winter in the Northern Hemisphere has again confirmed that we are most definitely Tropical tree huggers. Although we try to embrace (tolerate) the cold and all it's so called pleasures... we hanker after balmy nights and Sundays brimming with beach time. Today we decided to make the most of the wintry afternoon sun and took a lazy saunter down to the flower museum at the end of the street. We walk/ run past it every time we head to the beach, but we had never actually ventured inside. We were more then pleasantly surprised by what we found... as we entered into an Alice In wonderland like conservatory, filled with over sized tropical plants, sweating happily away in their perfectly temperate atmosphere. Besides all kinds of floral wonders and intrigues, the museum also has a lovely, little restaurant that serves the most amazing souffle formaggio (not at all raw, and presumably not organic... ahem). We then left the museum just in time to catch the sunset at the beach. Gotta love Sundays!
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Love + Joy = brilliance

Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Re:Solution #2.... war on plastic!!
Brad & Sunny in "Eco-to-Go" Commercial from 28zen on Vimeo.
Today has seriously been about plastic... the first email I read this morning was an advertisement for bambu, a brilliant alternative to plastic and paper household wear, check them out, they even make disposable picnic items which are completely biodegradable and beautiful! Then my new aluminum water bottle arrived in the mail, along with a list of very good reasons not to use PET bottles, (86% of plastic bottles in the US end up in land fills, transporting bottled water consumes 1.5 million barrels of fossil fuels per year, Americans currently add 30 million PET bottles to land fills EVERYDAY). I have just read another rather enlightening article featured in The Chicago Tribune, regarding plastic bags posted by one of favorite people on face book, you can read it here. If you are reading this... please be the change!
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Re: Solution # 3... Qualify as a Yoga teacher

" Life has been insane.... but today was ok"- Emiliana Torrini

Yesterday I woke with that slightly anxious/ expectant/ excited, Christmas morning feeling. Why? Well, I found out on Saturday, while I was at work, that Emiliana Torrini (if you are not familiar with her music... treat yourself!) was playing in Japan for one night. I couldn't do anything about tickets that day... or the following two as it was Sunday, which bled into Monday which was a public holiday and the number listed to call only offered me a very long voice recording, in Japanese ( which I am very ashamed to admit I don't understand). So yesterday was all about acquiring tickets. I need to point out as this stage, that this sort of thing actually terrifies me... I mean having something purposeful you want to achieve in a country where you are illiterate and cannot speak or understand the language. It terrifies me, because it has on various occasions ended rather badly, like the time I wanted to donate some money to charity, and the bank assistant transferred ALL my money to Africa, irretrievable for 2 weeks! Other times, the not so "life and death" ones, it is just a little frustrating. Anyway, I had my heart set on this concert... and when I have my heart set I am like a Pit-Bull with a bone. So the best husband in the world, (armed with his far superior Japanese skills) kindly offered to accompany me on my mission. The ticket purchase was basically an electronic issue machine ALL in Japanese... and after an hour and much assistance from various bystanders, it was determined that the tickets were sold out at this vendor. Up flared the never-surrender, Pit-bull, and off I went in the ice cold, sleety weather into the city to an actual Ticket Office to try again. After a considerable amount of gesture it appeared to be yet another 'no go'.
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Inspiration... recycled...

I am recycling this article from my facebook links... firstly because it is well worth mentioning again and as I mentioned before I'm using my blog as a scrapbook of sorts, secondly, because it speaks for itself and I'm not feeling particularly locquacious today and finally discussing my eating habbits yet again might seem a tad soporific. It is also very inspirational and Mondays are particularly good days to be inspired!
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Shoe Loving!!!

Incidental Lovin' ....
There are naturally, a whole lot of obvious reasons why I should be feeling good about my little life overhaul, no one can dispute the joys of good health and (relatively) guilt free living. We cannot dispute it, but I think everyone I know would have to admit to taking it for granted. The only time we really appreciate our health is when it suddenly fails us a little, and then suddenly not having a sore throat, runny nose or some other (minor or major) ailment becomes central in our day to day existence. At the risk of sounding a bit like a sermonizer, learning to love what we've got (as opposed to hankering after more) is an art, appreciating the simple things, finding joy in the now, being zen... these little ingredients for content living all make perfect sense on paper but aren't always a piece of cake, (.... mmm cake), in reality, especially when you are enforcing an element of deprivation to your life. However, besides the afore mentioned obvious benefits, there have been a multitude of teeny, tiny little things that have sprung to my awareness over that last week that have stretched a smile across my face. Little pieces of incidental love that have made what would have ordinarily been a mundane moment, an "Oooo I need a photo of that" moment. I have loved standing in the little pool of morning sunlight that pours into our kitchen window to rinse the greens that go into our juice. I love how our dish rack looks fresh and alive with it's green occupants and that we almost never have to use soap to wash the dishes anymore because everything just rinses clean. I love how my fruit bowl is a perpetual mass of overflowing color. I love how my shopping bag looks more like a country bouquet with all the leaves spilling out. I love how most of our trash is biodegradable (desperately need to restart the compost heap again though). I wallow in what has become our little morning routine of lying in the sun upstairs and grazing our fruity breakfast together. I love the simplicity that has become meal planning. Simple things, I know, but lovely things that make me smile, lovely things that I am grateful for :~)
Friday, 8 January 2010
Wish list....

I might have crashed a little on the whole raw thing, but I have to admit, so far all other re:solutions are intact! I haven't bought any clothing, not even used or organic ( I know this sounds ridiculous, but I have been on holiday, and this is Tokyo's sale season). I have not used a single plastic shopper (even though I had to ask the supermarket to hold my food for me on the way home from my run the other day because I forgot my eco bag at home), I have been diligently gearing up for the Yoga teachers training course I'm doing.... and I have been mentally formulating a wish list of all the lovely things I could buy!

That crashing sound you hear... uuurrggg... that's me caving! I made it a WHOLE WEEK... on raw food only... I made it through lunch, rummaging through the croutons in my salad, picking the veggies off my sandwich, and then on the way home, we stopped to load up on a few more groceries (at the only supermarket where I can read the labels to check the ingredients are organic) and I didn't make it down the sweetie isle, nope, the culprits... Jelly belly... damn you Jelly Belly and all your colorful towers of pure delight, damn you and your multitude of mouthwatering flavors! I didn't even make it to the till... no, I paid for an almost empty bag of vanilla and cafe latte resolution destroyers! I have to admit it was inevitable... I had been eyeing out those Jelly Belly towers since the first time I laid eyes on them, yet managed to resist their evil, tempting cries. Then there I hovered.... looking down into the deep, dark hole that was my developing guilt. I hovered, I teetered and then I thought bugger it! I'll just try to undo it as best I can... a couple of bottles of water, a run, and an Internet site promising me organic jelly beans in the future, and I'm back on my horse! Shoooweee, twas close I tell ya, for a second there I had that "well ...I've blown it this much I may as well... " but I didn't, because I had yet to come home and write my blog, and to be quite honest I couldn't face lying or describing the intensity of my crash... So here's to you little blog, you are working your magic!
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Chocolate Mousse Pie... 99.9999% raw

Today marks nearly a week of being a raw foodie and as I have mentioned, the best husband in the world , gallantly offered to join me on the initial steps of this little endeavour to make it a little easier. So far he has done extremely well and his deviations have been so minor, they are not worth mentioning... not once has he winced at the bright green glass of liquid I hand him in the mornings, nor has he sighed at yet another fruit breakfast, in fact he hasn't even complained that his evening chocolate treat has been substituted with dates, nut or the odd bit of 70% organic chocolate ( bless this stuff!)
Tuesday, 5 January 2010

My favorite word is ... inspire, I love how it sounds and what it means. As a teacher and a student, inspiration is a tool that resonates deep within my soul, it is the epitome of living by example, not directing, expecting or telling others what to do, but instead doing something so beautifully that a motivation, desire or yearning is ignited within them to manifest something new or better for themselves. I love how inspiration leaks into all the corners of living, I love how a great loser can be more inspiring than a winner. I love that one doesn't need any specific talents to be an inspiration, that we can inspire others just by how we choose to live our lives or engage with the world. Inspiration is beautiful in that the more you aspire to inspire, the more you improve your self. I love that when we inspire others we give them something of immeasurable value and yet it costs nothing. Inspiration to me in so many ways is the key to happiness and contentment, by finding inspiration and being an inspiration we are endlessly enriched. On my thirtieth birthday I sent a simple message to the handful of people who have been and inspiration to me, it read:
"To my inspirers,
Albert Schweitzer
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.
Today I turned 30 and for the first time since I can remember I am thrilled about my birthday (which is strange as most of my peers are wincing about this life-mark).The reason however, is because I feel as though I finally have an inkling of who I am~ I am content with this ‘me’ (although it is and will continue to be a work in progress). I realize now that all the ups and downs, accomplishments and failures are all a part of our journey. I realize too that we should take the time to acknowledge our blessings when we can~ and today YOU are mine. You (some unknowingly) have given me something i value tremendously… inspiration. Most importantly, you have given me the will to hopefully do the same… inspire. So here is my little list of whys, just skip to your name if you find it tedious or syrupy…. Thank you, for helping me to be the best me I can be!"
The responses I received were heart warming to say the least.
This is a quote from No Impact Man ,also an inspiration... (you can find the whole article here) "I love the word "inspire." It has the same route as to respire, to breathe. To be inspired means to have the breath within in us. The breath of what? Some might say God. Some might say something else. But the breath is within us. The compassion and wisdom is there. We are allinspired, filled with the breath."
Today I urge you to seek inspiration, to be an inspiration and thank those who have inspired you.