(Picture taken in Thailand last year while waiting for the ferry)
Dear Internet... it has been days since my last confession, I mean blog, this is mostly due to the most ridiculous week and the inability to string my thoughts into coherent sentences.
Without going into to many of the gory details, I discovered (after being informed otherwise), that I do in fact need a visa for Mexico, a visa that can take up to 30 days to process, a visa that requires an interview (which could only be scheduled for this Monday morning!), a visa that requires a pile of official documentation from banks and the like (which I had to try an attain with a below average Japanese speaking ability)... a visa that without... I cannot leave next Sunday, to do my course that I have already paid for, mentally prepared for and am extremely excited for. I know in terms of what is happening in the rest of the world, the devastation in Haiti, this is trivial and that The Powers That Be are extremely busy right now.... so I will do no beseeching, but I hope I deserve this enough to make it happen.
This brings me to my next point... deserving, sowing and reaping, cause and effect... karma. Call it what you will, this is an underlying theme in human existence.... and it is very much a part of Yoga. Many yogis focus primarily on the physical aspect of yoga, this is fine, I do not judge, it is an amazingly rewarding element of a multifaceted way of life. Other yogis are very aware of alliance with Karma yoga and are doing amazing things for their communities, the environment and the world, like Yoga Bear and Off the Mat , who I love, love, love!
Karma yoga can be described in a variety of ways... but simply it is the act of compassion, generosity, charity... consideration. Although many of us want to save the world (I know this is cliche' and bordering on sermonizing, but it's Sunday after all), but these things should start inside us and move out. Be kind to yourself (do yoga, eat well), be kind to your family, be kind to your friends, your community, your fellow yogis.
(I apologize... the next bit of this blog may seem like a rant, it is not... it is an appeal!)
Being kind to your fellow yogis means a number things, a friendly greeting, a smile, a word of encouragement... not coming to a pranayama class when you are as sick as a dog!
This week, between 6 hour stints in the bank and scraping the peeling paint in my loo AND repainting it and teaching, I went to my yoga class. I have been trying to attend as many as possible in preparation for Mexico. It is a yoga class that takes place in a converted Japanese apartment, so the space is small and we are all positioned pretty close to one another. On this particular occasion the mat that was unrolled next to mine was owned by "Miss Sick as a dog". Initially I was filled with compassion, I know she teaches children~ thus it is easy to catch colds and it is very difficult to teach like that.
However, I am ( a little) ashamed to admit that my compassion steadily faded as "Miss Sick as a dog" continued to cough, splutter and sneeze on me and my mat for the entire lesson, I understand it is challenging to cover your mouth with your hand when it is supporting your entire body... another solution perhaps? DON"T COME TO CLASS! If this wasn't enough, I mean, being showered in spittle and phlegm and breathing in germs for 2 hours, she continued to make loud nasal scraping, honking noises all the way through meditation and savasana... my mind, needless to say was nowhere near the place it should have been.
The problem here is, I have no idea how to handle this situation. I am about to (Mexican embassy permitting) qualify as a yoga teacher, there are bound to be sick people in my classes. At one point during the above mentioned class I considered leaving, but out of respect for my teacher (who also happens to be my land lady) I stuck it out.
Should you stay or should you go? Should you ask "Miss Sick as a dog" to go... should you pin up a sign outside your class that reads: "We all love to practice yoga, but If you are as sick as a dog, please go home and practice Karma Yoga instead"
The result is... I too am now as sick as a dog (well, I have a crappy cold), unable to attend class and train for Mexico (Mexican embassy permitting). I vow to be more compassionate than "Miss Sick as a dog" and not return to class until I am germ free, I appeal to anyone who may read this... pleeeease do the same... baby steps to saving the world people!
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