My favorite word is ... inspire, I love how it sounds and what it means. As a teacher and a student, inspiration is a tool that resonates deep within my soul, it is the epitome of living by example, not directing, expecting or telling others what to do, but instead doing something so beautifully that a motivation, desire or yearning is ignited within them to manifest something new or better for themselves. I love how inspiration leaks into all the corners of living, I love how a great loser can be more inspiring than a winner. I love that one doesn't need any specific talents to be an inspiration, that we can inspire others just by how we choose to live our lives or engage with the world. Inspiration is beautiful in that the more you aspire to inspire, the more you improve your self. I love that when we inspire others we give them something of immeasurable value and yet it costs nothing. Inspiration to me in so many ways is the key to happiness and contentment, by finding inspiration and being an inspiration we are endlessly enriched. On my thirtieth birthday I sent a simple message to the handful of people who have been and inspiration to me, it read:
"To my inspirers,
Albert Schweitzer
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.
Today I turned 30 and for the first time since I can remember I am thrilled about my birthday (which is strange as most of my peers are wincing about this life-mark).The reason however, is because I feel as though I finally have an inkling of who I am~ I am content with this ‘me’ (although it is and will continue to be a work in progress). I realize now that all the ups and downs, accomplishments and failures are all a part of our journey. I realize too that we should take the time to acknowledge our blessings when we can~ and today YOU are mine. You (some unknowingly) have given me something i value tremendously… inspiration. Most importantly, you have given me the will to hopefully do the same… inspire. So here is my little list of whys, just skip to your name if you find it tedious or syrupy…. Thank you, for helping me to be the best me I can be!"
The responses I received were heart warming to say the least.
This is a quote from No Impact Man ,also an inspiration... (you can find the whole article here) "I love the word "inspire." It has the same route as to respire, to breathe. To be inspired means to have the breath within in us. The breath of what? Some might say God. Some might say something else. But the breath is within us. The compassion and wisdom is there. We are allinspired, filled with the breath."
Today I urge you to seek inspiration, to be an inspiration and thank those who have inspired you.
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