Re:solution #1... Anti Consumerism, is leagues ahead in the little 2010 challenge at present, which means that I have still as yet, not purchased any new clothing or unnecessaries... not even used or organic for that matter. "Well done me!" for galloping past every sale sign in Tokyo for the last 3 weeks, without so much as a sidewards glance. Admittedly I was never particularly short of clothing to begin with... so I haven't exactly felt deprived~ but it is still an accomplishment in my books. One of the main purposes for this challenge (other than the war against consumerism) however, was to 'purify' my wardrobe... in other words slooooooowly but surely replace... it with environmentally friendly items. I am completely aware that this might take a couple of years, but it is a start and in the mean time I am becoming increasingly educated on what IS organic/green and what is NOT. For example, I recently discovered that my beloved bamboo fabrics are actually made using some pretty nasty chemicals to break down their fibres (Devastation... I was relying on you Bamboo... and so I'm still trying to figure out where I stand on this matter).
NOW, in order to move on with this post dear Internet, first I must regress, you see, I never elaborated thoroughly in my original resolution list, but it is also my intention to stretch this philosophy into my cosmetics. It is alarming how many toxins are actually in our daily used soaps, shampoos, cosmetics, hair products... things we apply to our skins (our bodies largest organ) every day and then flush down the plug to further damage the planet ( this is totally excluding the amount of environmental damage that occurs in the production of these products).
And here comes my very disappointing second discovery. Today I scraped the last little smidgen of moisturizer out of it's jar and had to replace it. I had every intention on replacing it with the 'good' stuff... but I was too slow and left it until the last minute. (Even though I have collected numerous links of places where I can buy fabulous organic beauty products online). Now before I delve into this... and this is my no means an excuse but I have to remind you that I am virtually illiterate in my country of residence... in other words I cannot read or write in Japanese. Therefore shopping around for products that require label reading is not an option (hence my online dependency).
So I did the obvious thing... I headed to The Body Shop... with it's excellent, Tammy approved New Years Resolutions, Au natural packaging, earthy image and positive associations... I had to be OK.
I bought my moisturizer and then on the way to the till, I bought something extra in the faith that by shopping I was doing some good (do not snigger!)
When I got home, I thought I would consult Master google on this matter and it appears, that although, I have supported various causes; like supporting community trade, being active against animal testing , defending human rights and protecting the planet, the products I bought are not organic :~( According to this article, among others, Body Shop products may have traces of synthetic fragrances and petrochemicals in them.
I am going to choose to forgive myself for this little booboo... it is a lesson learnt, and on the whole it is quite difficult to fault The Body Shop for anything else... the fact is, unlike a whole lot of other cosmetic lines, they are truly trying to make a difference. Some may say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but I choose rather to believe, that good intentions are the seeds of good actions... sans the chemical fertilizer and pesticide, they might very well fruit into something pure and juicy!
PS I did manage to find some organic cotton pads at TBS... I haven't seen them anywhere else around here!
oh I remember your journey well... when I trusted companies... :S I was also a big Body Shop person, until I read the ingredient list on the bottles sigh. You could check out "skin deep" to see how your product rates (a fantastic website!).
ReplyDeleteWe all do what we can, you are right, and i read somewhere today that "life is spirely" which I think is perfect :)
Thank you so much or the tip... I wish it was easier to read the labels here, they are all in Japanese so I spend a lot of time on my phone in shopping isles these days consulting Mr Google :~)