Dreamy solutions to my 'bleh' day... a beeeeeeewtiful bed, and a good book....
Some days... I wake up full of zest, inspired, motivated to save the world (or just help it out a little), other days, like today, something just feels off. It could be the cold, the crazy dreams I had last night, being mildly homesick for South African summers, family, friends and big, beautiful open spaces... or nothing in particular. This "off" feeling however, has this nasty tendency to turn into a murky spiral of... 'yukkiness'... for lack of a better word. Being uninspired and unmotivated inevitably results in being totally unproductive which in turn results in guilt. Throw in a tiff with the 'not so sweet ladies' at the Mexican embassy today (who were not Mexican) and an 'in-box' that is not giving me anything I am patiently waiting for, and you have the perfect recipe for a ... well, not so inspired Tam. Then to top it off, I came across this fascinating site and did this even more fascinating quiz, and discovered that even though we don't drive a car anymore, try to eat organic produce, are vegetarians, are conscious of our electricity usage, have no heating, reuse bath water in winter, shower in summer, don't use plastic or PET bottles, don't have a TV etc etc etc, we would still need 2 and 2/3 earths to sustain us if everyone lived like we did! Good Grief!!!! Sorry guys... but the truth is that the damage is done in all the fuel consumption used to jet set. Traveling by air has let us down... and well, we live in the very, very far East... so going anywhere means an airplane... or a ship? I have done no homework on this matter , as I mentioned before it was an unproductive day, and therefore I have no anecdotes for this dilemma... please free to comment or mail me at treehuggersblog@gmail.com if you have any suggestions... or funny jokes... or inspiring words.I am now taking myself and the tail between my legs off to bed with every intention of having peaceful dreams and waking up a little more zesty!
Please note: I unfortunately collected these images ages ago and no longer have the links, I have searched- I have not found and I am more then happy to add links if anyone knows where they come from.
Yup, air travel is one of the causes of serious environmental harm, though the way I see it is, if we fly maybe once or twice a year and only when you really have to - i.e. escaping the Tokyo winter or for family commitments, it can't be that bad. The problem is that due to the advent of ridiculously cheap tickets, especially in Europe and the US, people don't think twice before hopping on a plane.
ReplyDeletewww.medialens.org provides some fascinating material on the flying vs environmental debate.
Hello! I got your e-mail and I wish you luck at Yandara! We definitely do have so much in common! You are a wonderful soul and I really like your blog! I think you will be fine at Yanara. I was not able to stay raw there but there is quite a bit of fruit at every meal and salads so I think it could be possible to stay raw if you'd like. have a wonderful time and if you see Allison tell her i say hello! from www.rawfoodpassion.blogspot.com.