Yesterday I participated in a conversation that has since left me feeling measured and blue. I stupidly went to bed with this feeling and woke up the same way. This is of course is a trifle hypocritical after posting yesterday about making a considerable effort to try to understand people's best intentions and not being over sensitive, but some conversations and some people will just do that to you, even if it's not intentional. So, when I poured our detox juices (more about this in a second) this morning, I decided, that I'd drink it (ahem) kind of symbolically, and well... let it flush out the bad feelings too. It worked! I got so eager about the juice ( I know, small things...) that all the excitement, determination and happiness I felt prior blue mood came flooding back!
So why was/ am I all excited? MY NEW JUICER.... I Love it! Basically I decided that I had been so very good at keeping to my new plan, avoiding all the sales, not eating any junk, or using any unnecessary plastic~ that I had earned it! I also loaded up on a fridge full of greens and 70% Chocolate (this, can you believe it, it an OK food item!), and came home and juiced ... and juiced and juiced. I made green lemonade, which basically consists of a whole bunch of green leafy things, apples, lemon, ginger and celery and it's yummy! Then the wandering wonderer and I went to watch Avatar. I am by no means a sci-fi kinda gal, but I really enjoyed a lot of the concepts in the movie, the interconnectedness of all beings, the idea that energy or life is only borrowed and that eventually we have to give it back and that to live harmoniously we have to learn to really 'see' each other, not just on the surface, but on a soul level. Here again is the theme of understanding... detoxing food for thought?
Glad you liked Avatar and you're so right, everything is interconnected.
ReplyDeleteHey Mike, thanks for the comment.... so glad some one is reading all my little musing ;~)