The powers that be did not bless me with immeasurable talent in any one particular area (that I have identified as yet), but those, afore mentioned powers most definitely blessed me with enough talented people in my life to make-up for the former ummmm... omission? I am incredibly fortunate to have as friends and family, magical souls who never cease to amaze me (and the rest of the world) with their various capabilities. Unfortunately or fortunately (depending on season and economic climate), they are tucked away in the toe end of Africa. 

Thus... (said in a most authoritative voice), "I am now promoting thee, wee blog spot, to....O.S.A.A.F.P. ( Official South African Artistic

Friend Promoter), in the hope that someone might actually be reading you and take note of my talented friends!
First on my list... for many reasons, along with the fact that she has the most fabulous name is Se LOVEJOY . This is she, on the left, in self portrait, made with polymer clay. These awe inspiring figurines are made to order and I have seen various real life characters magically miniaturized into tiny replicas of themselves... with added funk. Se also made these Mini-Me's for The Simon van Gend Band's (go blog go!) previous album cover. I am no art curator and so, I will not delve into Se's artistic history, medium of choice or techniques, you can find that here, I will however say, that I have yet to meet someone who has seen her work and not been temporarily gobsmacked or hankered after something she has created! If you do however, tend toward a more traditionalist art style, Se also sculpts in bronze and paints in oil. On top of all of this, Se also has a fantastic choice in music, an accurate eye for trend, the best dreadlocks and still somehow manages to live a humble existence near the mountains in South Africa.
please check out her website... you deserve the eye candy!

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